


The following individuals have received outstanding awards and grants for the work 在各自的领域.

李洁恩是科罗拉多州唯一获得2024年NSF ADVANCE开创性奖的人 盖亚的倡议

Dr. 李的黄金罗盘前进:国际地理空间科学联盟 women faculty Advancement (GAIA) award brings the 北科罗拉多大学 and two STEM professional societies, the American Association of Geographers (AAG) 与地理信息科学大学联盟(UCGIS)建立合作关系 识别和解决系统性的不平等,特别是外国出生的人 women faculty, in academic workplaces in Geography and Geospatial Sciences. 盖亚 项目将收集和综合交叉的定性和定量数据 on barriers and lived experiences of all women faculty, particularly foreign-born 女性学者,为地理学部署的公平系统变革工具包提供信息 and Geospatial Sciences departments. More information about the GAIA project here.



泰勒Engstrom & Andrea James Secure NIH Grant for Groundbreaking 研究 on Zebrafish & 视网膜中央凹发展

泰勒Engstrom (UNC Physics) and Andrea James (Biology) will work with 12 physics 以及将在本国家获得本科研究经验的生物学专业学生 眼科研究所三年跨学科项目“开发新的生物物理模型” of choroid fissure closure in zebrafish and foveal pit formation across species”. The project will address a basic research need for quantitative eye morphogenesis 经过实验数据测试的模型,可以揭示生物物理学 mechanisms during eye development. Such models will aid in treatment and prevention of developmental diseases of the eye. More additional information about this research project is available here.

Tyler Engstom and Andrea James stand with their group of fellow researchers.

生物系教授韩玉燕 & Nicholas Pullen Win UNC’s Second 2024 NIH Grant for Pioneering cbre & CBD 研究 in Fatty Liver Disease

这个项目,“大麻二酚(cbre)加或不加大麻二酚的治疗效果 (CBD) in diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease” will directly engage UNC biology students in research to evaluate the anti-inflammatory therapeutic effects CBD和cbre在减少非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)中的作用,这是一项领先的研究 慢性肝病的病因,可发展到更晚期(NASH)。 目前没有治疗. Preliminary data suggest that Cannabinoids attenuate immune 细胞招募,抑制炎症介质释放,从而减轻肝脏 饮食对小鼠造成的损害. This research will provide critical therapeutic efficacy cbre和CBD在NAFLD/NASH小鼠中的首次数据,这将受益 future cannabinoid-related animal and human studies; and provide in-depth information cbre单独或与CBD联合减少NAFLD/NASH进展的分子机制.  More additional information about this research project here. 

Yuyan Han and Nicholas Pullen Win pose for a photo in front of a tree.

Congratulations to 露辛达Shellito, 沙龙Bywater-Reyes, & 切尔西·罗慕洛谈胜利 美国国家科学基金会RISE奖:“COOLER -社区合作和学习应对气候变化”. 

COOLER项目的目标是围绕气候变化建立一个学习生态系统 北科罗拉多恢复力. This planning grant supports the development of trans-disciplinary 气候变化课程,以及皇冠app官方版下载学生、教师和专家之间的联系 促进共同学习、相互支持和合作的社区团体 on projects that address climate change resilience in the region. 点击这里了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装COOLER的信息. 

露辛达Shellito, 沙龙Bywater-Reyes, and Chelsea Romulo stand under their tent for the COOLER program.

艾萨克·瓦纳西卡,莫里斯·哈里斯, & Jeri Lyons Win First Round NSF EPIIC Grant to Boost 创新:“在新兴技术中实现有意义的外部研究增长 (出现).

EMERGE项目由四名成员组成,其中包括凯特林大学, University of the Incarnate Word, and Western Carolina University. 通过共享的 vision of being recognized as partners in R&D, translation of research into practice, 在新兴技术领域的人才发展方面,合作伙伴将进行能力建设 更有效地融入区域创新生态系统,建立协同合作 relationships with emerging technology programs. Dr. Wanasika将领导联合国军司令部的工作 to expand the regional innovation ecosystem and foster economic development; advance career-readiness/workforce development to support regional/state-wide needs; and support 通过推广满足皇冠app官方版下载教师、学生和地区利益相关者的需求 of tech transfer and use-inspired research. You can find additional information about the UNC EMERGE program here.


艾米丽·霍尔特和杰西卡·杜克正在定义和衡量气候变化的接受程度 理科生

研究表明,大多数本科生接受全球气候变化正在发生; but, what does it really mean to accept climate change? 接受气候变化 在文献中没有明确定义,那么构成验收的要素是什么 and their relationships to one another are not fully understood. 这样做的目的是 NSF IUSE-Engaged Student Learning project entitled, “Developing the Acceptance of 《皇冠app官方版下载》是考察多个方面的 气候变化是本科理科(生物、化学和地球科学)的学生 接受定义. Drs. Holt and Duke will then use this knowledge to develop a novel survey that examines aspects of students’ acceptance of climate change. 他们设想 从这个项目中获得的信息将导致皇冠app安卓下载安装哪个的建议 将气候变化主题纳入本科科学课程,以解决接受问题; 最终提高学生气候变化教育的有效性. 一旦创建,该调查将免费提供给其他科学教育研究人员 exploring climate change acceptance. You may find additional information about the project here.




研究发展包括一系列战略性、前瞻性、催化性和能力建设 旨在促进个别教员、研究人员团队、 and central research administrators in attracting extramural funding for research学术,有创造力, and institutional capacity building activities. 研究开发 also fosters 与项目官员建立关系,制定和实施策略 that increase institutional competitiveness, and much more, in an effort 带来有意义的发现,关键的创新,以及对现实生活的影响 benefits local and regional societal well-being.

资金的机会 Newsletter

研究发展办公室寻找与大学相关的机会 北科罗拉多研究社区,每周发行一份资助机会 电子邮件消化. Highlights include funding prospects, research-related events, and learning 机会.


皇冠app官方版下载保留了汉诺威研究所的服务,该研究所提供了两名专业人员 development trainings on National 研究院 of Health (NIH) to better understand NIH的各种资助机制和最佳实践以及重新提交的新规定. Two new National Science Foundation training webinars are scheduled for September 2024年10月19日和17日.